API Version for 8bit Systems

If a program for a small microcontroller with 8bit architecture should be created, the common LaRoomy Api libraries are not suitable since they are for 32bit architectures or higher. So a minimized version of the LaRoomy Api was created. It is written in plain C and is not platform specific so it could be used for a wide amount of controller types with included or external bluetooth capabilities.

The minimized library with schematic and board data and example projects are available here.

To get an overview of all functions and facilities of the API take a look at the base header file. The following example instructions demonstrate how a implementation of the minimized API could be achieved.

Implementation Guideline

• Define unique ID's for all properties

Defining identification constants make is easy to identify a property to access, update and work with it later in the code.

// define the property ID's
#define PROPERTY_TOGGLE_BUTTON            1
#define PROPERTY_TIME_SELECTOR            3

Do not use zero as an ID, since this is in invalid value for the identification of a property. And do not use an ID more than once.

• Create global device property struct parameter as data-holder for the property data

Even though the properties will be added to the LaRoomy Api later, there is no dynamic memory allocation like in the higher level libraries, because on a system with very limited resources, it makes no sense to copy the data. The memory section which is to contain the data for a property must be provided as global parameter which can be accessed through the hole lifetime of the program. The api takes only a reference to the property struct.

// create the property elements
DEVICE_PROPERTY  toggleButton;
DEVICE_PROPERTY  batteryLevelIndicator;
DEVICE_PROPERTY  timeSelector;

• Create global struct parameter for the complex states of all properties

If device properties with complex state type are used, the respective complex property state struct must be also created as data-holder due to the reason explained above.

// create the complex property state for the time-selector created above
TIME_SELECTOR_STATE  timeSelectorState;

• Declare a callback function for all callbacks that must be used

// this function will be used by the api to report remote events
void remoteCallback(uint8_t propertyID, uint8_t eventID);

• Declare a function that handles the data output to the Bluetooth data gateway

// this function must be implemented later
void sendBLEData(const char* data);

• Register the callback(s)

// set the callback to catch remote events
// every time the user interacts with a property
// in the laroomy app, this callback will be invoked

• Register the output gateway function

// set the usart output gateway for the laroomy api
// - the internal transmission control will use this function to send data

• Initialize all property structs

Before the property structs are added to the LaRoomy Api, they must be initialized with valid values. This could be done by using the provided init function

// call the init function to validate the property structs

• Set the property data

This is the point where the property is defined. The values determine the appearence of the property in the app and how the property works.

// set the button data
toggleButton.ID = PROPERTY_TOGGLE_BUTTON; // unique ID
toggleButton.type = PTYPE_BUTTON;         // type of the property
toggleButton.imageID = LIGHT_BULB_004;    // image of the property

// use this method to set the property descriptor
setPropertyDescriptor(&toggleButton, "Test LED;;Toggle"); // dual descriptor: element-text and button-text

// add the button

// add other properties ...

• Set the initial state data for the complex state of a property (if used)

For all properties of complex type, a data holder struct must be defined and added to the api. If no properties of complex type are used the step can be skipped. Before adding a state it should be initialized with default values or with saved values (if the previous setup was saved permanently before).

// add the state for the time selector

// set default values
timeSelectorState.hour = 20;
timeSelectorState.minute = 0;

// add it
addTimeSelectorStateForProperty(PROPERTY_TIME_SELECTOR, &timeSelectorState);

The api must be provided with an input and output gateway to receive and send bluetooth data. This is critical, otherwise the api cannot work correctly.

• Handle incoming data

When the program is running, make sure to forward all received bluetooth data to the api to process it.

// check if data was received on your bluetooth implementation
char* data = fetchBLEData();
if(data != NULL)
    // if data was received, pass it to the input function of the api

• Handle outgoing data

Here the previously declared output gateway function must be defined to enable the api to send data. A reference to the function was passed to the api earlier.

// this function will be invoked by the LaRoomy Api to send data
void sendBLEData(const char* data)
    // TODO: forward the data to the bluetooth output


• Implement the remote callback to receive events

When the program is running, make sure to forward all received bluetooth data to the api to process it.

// receive remote events
void remoteCallback(uint8_t propertyID, uint8_t eventID)
    // catch the event
    switch (eventID)
        // make sure to address the correct property
        if (propertyID == PROPERTY_TOGGLE_BUTTON)
            // toggle led
    	if(propertID == PROPERTY_TIME_SELECTOR)
            // the app user has selected a new time
        // when properties are loaded, send a time request to save the current time
        // to the time keeper
        // when properties are loaded, send a time request to save the current time
        // to the RTC
        uint8_t hours;
        uint8_t minutes;
        uint8_t seconds;

        // fetch time data
        fetchTimeResponseData(&hours, &minutes, &seconds);

        // setup rtc
        RTC.setTime(hours, minutes, seconds);

To take a look at a complete example, visit the Examples section of the GitHub repository.